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If you are a current user of hearing aids, you might be familiar with some of the issues that can arise. Just as you might find minor issues with your aids, you might also discover the solution to get them back in order. When we are closely connected with any technology, it might just take a little time and attention to figure out what has happened. However, sometimes you might find an issue that isn’t so easily solved. If you have a problem with your Bluetooth hearing aids, there are steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem and discover an answer. At the end of this investigation, you might realize that you need help. If that is the case, we are here to answer your questions, and, if necessary, take a look at your hearing aids for you. In the case that there is an in-house solution, we can take care of it for you. In the event that there is a more serious concern, we can connect you with a licensed repair technician or the manufacturer to send away your aids for repair. Most issues can be resolved with a little thought and attention, so let’s take a look at the common issues that you can resolve right at home.
My aids don’t produce any sound.
If you come to your hearing aids expecting to hear sound but find none at all, one of the settings might be to blame. The first step is to check the battery to make sure your aids have power. If your aids need replacement batteries, try switching out a fresh pair. Once you are sure the aids have power, see if there is an issue with the volume. Hearing aids that use smartphone apps for setting controls might be in the wrong position or preset. Try toggling between presets to see if any of them make a sound. If your attempts with batteries and apps don’t work, your aids might have been damaged. Particularly if they were exposed to moisture or fluid, you might need to dry out your hearing aids. Placing them in a sealed plastic bag of uncooked rice can sometimes absorb any moisture that made its way into the inner components of your aids.
My aids sound muffled or distorted.
In the case of audio distortion, you might have one of the problems listed above. Beyond those troubleshooting methods, distortion can be caused by a foreign object or substance getting in the way of the microphone or speaker of your hearing aids. See if the problem exists in both aids. If the problem is limited to one of your aids, then the issue is likely topical or mechanical, rather than having to do with your app. Take a close look at the components of the hearing aid, looking for substances like earwax or other debris. If you find something suspicious, simply wipe down the surface of your aids with a clean, dry cloth. If the substance seems to be lodged in a place out of reach, you can use a wire brush or metal loop to remove that debris. These tools are available for purchase over-the-counter and can be quite helpful for surface cleaning.
My hearing aids are whistling with feedback.
Audio feedback occurs when something gets in the way of the acoustic process necessary for amplification. The first solution will be to remove your hearing aids and re-insert them. Improperly inserted aids can create the problem of feedback. Try turning down the volume and then slowly bringing it back up. If these solutions don’t work, your ears might have earwax buildup getting in the way. Take a moment to clean your ears and then try re-inserting your aids again. Improper fit is often the cause of whistling feedback, so you might need to bring in your aids for another fitting appointment. As with all of these issues, we are here to help if you aren’t able to solve the problem on your own. Try not to take any risks manipulating your aid; our team of professionals will have a better sense of what is a wise repair to make. Contact us today!